7 Best Sex Quotes by Dr. Ruth

Dr. Ruth Westheimer, the iconic sex therapist and educator, left an indelible mark on the world of sexual health and relationships. Her candid advice, always delivered with warmth and humor, helped countless individuals and couples...

10 Ways to Increase Your Chances of Having an Orgasm

  Let’s talk about The Big “O”! Achieving an orgasm can be a fulfilling and enriching experience, yet it can be elusive for some. Understanding your body, exploring new techniques, and fostering intimacy with your...

2024 Summer Dating Trends: What's HOT This Season

  It's getting hot in here!    As the temperatures rise and the days grow longer, summer 2024 brings with it a fresh wave of dating trends. This season, daters are embracing new ways to connect,...

What does YOUR Favorite Lube say about YOUR Personality?

  Just like every other choice a person makes, your preferred personal lubricant can offer some insights into your (and your partners) personality traits. Understanding someone's personality traits can be important for various reasons, spanning personal relationships and overall...

Celebrating Pride Month: Why June Matters

June is a month of celebration, reflection, and unity for the LGBTQ+ community and its allies. Known globally as Pride Month, vibrant parades mark this period, inspiring events, and educational initiatives aimed at fostering understanding and...

June is Men’s Health Month

  June serves as Men’s Health Month, with the goal of increasing awareness of male health issues on a global level. Each year since June 1994, the Men’s Health Network has focused on the month...

Your Best Sex Life As You Age

  Getting older comes with a few challenges. Of course, anyone who is in the right age range is facing a few extra gray hairs, possibly a few wrinkles here and there, or new aches...

How to Choose the Right Lube for You

  Wondering where to start when picking your lubricant? Here is some useful information to help you learn how to choose the right lube for every situation and purpose. How do I choose the Perfect...

The Best Things in Lube are from Nature

  Nature provides us with the beauty that surrounds us, our food, water, and air. But did you know that nature is also where most of our medications come from? According to The Native Plant Conservation...