Your Best Sex Life As You Age

Your Best Sex Life As You Age - Swiss Navy

Getting older comes with a few challenges. Of course, anyone who is in the right age range is facing a few extra gray hairs, possibly a few wrinkles here and there, or new aches and pains that pop up unexpectedly. It comes with the territory, things in our physical body change slightly as we age. You might call it normal wear and tear.

One area that is not often discussed is how aging impacts our sex lives.

There are a bevy of possible challenges that impact our lovemaking as we grow older too. Does this mean sex after a certain age becomes less fun, less passion-filled or nonexistent? Nope! Check out some creative, easy and fun ways to keep the fires burning and keep the romance alive no matter how old your knees may be telling you are. 

Everything You Need To Know About Sex + Aging

The Skinny - Normal physical changes that are linked to aging can impact a man or woman’s ability to have or enjoy sex. The struggle can be real. Women can experience less desire related to menopause and vaginal dryness that makes sex uncomfortable. Men can begin to experience erectile dysfunction or impotence-related symptoms as they age. However, on the brighter side of things, a healthy and satisfying love life is still possible at any age and there are many ways to help support your passions.


Tips To Keep The Flames Burning:

Talk to your doctor. One of the hardest things to do can be speaking with your doctor about health issues related to your sex life. It can be awkward and embarrassing. The result that comes from speaking openly with your doctor can change your life for the better.

Some sexual challenges that come with age can be easily addressed, reversed or lessoned. Even though it’s tough, be sure to put yourself in the driver’s seat when it comes to all aspects of your health.

Work on your self esteem. Things changes as we age. Thinning hair, weight gain, limited physical ability and the aforementioned wrinkles can all impact our self esteem. This low self esteem can have a direct impact on your lovemaking prowess in a negative fashion.

Self esteem can be improved through exercise, meditation, support groups and therapy. Self esteem can also be improved through taking control of your health issues, taking up new hobbies and giving back to your community.

Explore tools to support. While there are prescription medications that can help support your sex-related needs as you grow older, you might be able to make some improvements with products that are easily available.

Swiss Navy is a leading brand for personal lubricants and supplements that can help support a passionate sex life as you age. Swiss Navy products can help you overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of a rewarding love life in a variety of ways.


Check Out The Swiss Navy Product Line For Tools To Support An Amazing Love Life As You Age:

  • Personal Lubricants - Sex lube can help enhance anyone’s sex life, and especially for those who are aging, it can help solve lubrication challenges that come with menopause and other age-related issues. Swiss Navy offers a complete line of lubes that match anyone’s love making style from sensitive skin to flavored to warming and more.
  • Sexual Supplements - Supplements from Swiss Navy can provide support for your love life in a multitude of ways. Boosting testosterone, endurance and performance can be within reach with the Swiss Navy product line.
  • Creams - Creams offer another dimension to keeping the sex life blossoming as you age. Sex creams and topical enhancers from Swiss Navy are an excellent way to keep you confidence high and your libido soaring despite your age.

Getting older is no walk in the park. We will have to accept some things that are not positive as we age, but a less-than-stellar sex life does not have to be one of them.

Sex can be a powerful way to stay healthy and young.

By tapping into your own self awareness and wisdom you can curate an amazing sex life by any standards. Swiss Navy is at your service to keep things moving smoothly.

Swiss Navy is Here to Help

Looking to learn more about personal lubricants, intimate health, and other ways to enhance your love life? Check out our Education Blog for expert advice, tips, and guides, including:

Want to explore other ways to stay in tip-top form this Winter? See Staying Energized and Feeling Your Best: Swiss Navy Supplements for the Holidays.

Interested in learning more about lubricants and YOUR personality? Check out What does YOUR Favorite Lube say about YOUR Personality.

Ever considered Laying Lubes? Yes, that's a "thing"! Learn how to do it for yourself here - How to Layer Lubes: Unlocking New Levels of Pleasure.

Ready to find out more about how supplements can benefit YOU in 2025? You'll find so much goodness in Enhance Intimate Pleasure and Health with Swiss Navy MAX Supplements

Check back next week
we're working on another great lube-centric blog just for you!